Students Development
MJHEP prioritise its students as its most valuable asset. Hence, we provide various interactive courses to ensure our students’ development. Throughout its establishment, MJHEP has conducted an engineering programmes to enhance the development of its students. This programmes is to ensure that students will be equipped with relevant skills and be market-ready to face the challenging working environment in the future.
MJHEP Students Representative Committee (JPM)
The MJHEP Students Representative Committee (JPM) was established in taking care the welfare of all students at MJHEP and assist to manage various types of activities in promoting greater social awareness and interaction among students in academic and personality aspects.
JPM also was established to expose, give a chance and experience to students as future leaders in addition providing them to build up communication skills and to interact with students and management on any issues related to life and current learning situations.
JPM comprises twelve (12) members which been selected selected through an election and voting. The four (4) supreme posts are the highest seats for the Exco and the remaining eight (8) posts are for others Bureaus.
The Supreme Exco of JPM consists of a President, Deputy President, Secretary and Treasurer. Meanwhile, four (4) other Bureau are Welfare, Spiritual, Sports and Academic Bureau each consist of two (2) committee (1 male and 1 female).

Becoming a vanguard in helping MARA Education Foundation (YPM) empowering Malay and Bumiputera education.
• Producing students excellently in mind, physical, spiritual, emotional and social through various students development activities by holistic approach.
• Empowering global education in the field of Japanese engineering.
• Become a bridge as a mediator of students and management of MJHEP.
• Assisting the Student Affairs Section (HEP) to plan activities at the college level for the benefit of all MJHEPs.
• Collaborate with the Academic Affairs Section (HEA) to streamline the latest information from the college to all MJHEP students.
• Collaborate with hostels Warden to create a clean, cheerful, safe and conducive college environment.
• Report and manage students’ welfare.